Can one serial number be created for all payment voucher methods, including cash, cheques, and bank transfers?

Can one serial number be created for all payment voucher methods, including cash, cheques, and bank transfers?Deselect Answer

Can one serial number be created for all Receipt voucher methods (Cash, Cheque, and Receipt Voucher)

Can one serial number be created for all Receipt voucher methods (Cash, Cheque, and Receipt Voucher)Deselect Answer

Can the maximum limit for petty cash be set?

Can the maximum limit for petty cash be set?Deselect Answer

Can multicurrency be set up for printing purposes?

Can multicurrency be set up for printing purposes?Deselect Answer

Is it possible to make Set closing date?

Is it possible to make Set closing date?Deselect Answer

Is there any setup to make auto closing date?

Is there any setup to make auto closing date?Deselect Answer

Is it allowed posting Transaction on an Account if it has an account?

Is it allowed posting Transaction on an Account if it has an account?Deselect Answer

Is it allowed posting Transaction on an class if it has an sub class?

Is it allowed posting Transaction on an class if it has an sub class?Deselect Answer

Is it allowed to post Transactions on an Inventory Item if it has sub Item?

Is it allowed to post Transactions on an Inventory Item if it has sub Item?Deselect Answer

Is it allow to save the Journal Entry (JV) without selecting a name?

Is it allow to save the Journal Entry (JV) without selecting a name?Deselect Answer

Is it possible to post Accounts Receivable & Accounts Payable in One Journal Voucher Entry.

Is it possible to post Accounts Receivable & Accounts Payable in One Journal Voucher Entry.Deselect Answer

There is no setup to allow the User to Change the Transaction Number?

There is no setup to allow the User to Change the Transaction Number?Deselect Answer

Don't allow to Select Employee In Payment Voucher & Receipt Voucher Forms (Applicable only if HRMS registered)

Don't allow to Select Employee In Payment Voucher & Receipt Voucher Forms (Applicable only if HRMS registered)Deselect Answer

Is Attachment Required in Accounting Forms (Mandatory)?

Is Attachment Required in Accounting Forms (Mandatory)?Deselect Answer

Can software force the user to not allow to change the cheque number when creating payment voucher

Can software force the user to not allow to change the cheque number when creating payment voucherDeselect Answer

Software will is not allow to save the Transactions without filling the Main memo

Software will is not allowed to save the Transactions without filling the Main memoDeselect Answer

Admin can only change the Blocked status of the name

Admin can only change the Blocked status of the nameDeselect Answer

Do not allow accounts used in setups to be selected in the Journal Voucher window.

Do not allow accounts used in setups to be selected in the Journal Voucher window.Deselect Answer

Don't allow to Save Cash / Credit Invoice with zero Value.
Is it possible to setup to not allow to create of Cash or Credit Invoices if the stock items balance quantity is Zero or Minus?

Is it possible to setup to not allow to create of Cash or Credit Invoices if the stock items balance quantity is Zero or Minus?Deselect Answer

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