
1. How do Human Resource Management (HRM) shape organizations and their strategic HR processes?

2. What are the activities of HR? Is Hinawi ERP do the automatic calculations? Is it integrated with accounting module?

3. What is the performance management process, and how does it improve employee productivity?

4. How are employees disciplined in an organization?

5. How can employers reduce the turnover rate of their employees through various HR processes?

6. What is human resource management, and how does it help companies to run successful human resource management?

7. How should the organizational structure be designed to ensure effective HR management?

8. How can employers use various HR practices to motivate employees and increase productivity in the workplace?

Read and understand the following information before using the HRMS module to ensure results according to your company policies.

More about HRMS Activities

In Hinawi ERP software, the loan process allows companies to provide financial assistance to their employees. This can include personal loans, home loans or any other type of loan that the company can offer.

To create a loan in Hinawi ERP software, the necessary information must be entered into the system, including the amount of the loan, repayment terms, and all relevant details. The loan can then be edited or deleted if it has not yet been approved. Once the loan is approved, it cannot be edited or deleted.

In some cases, it may be necessary to increase a loan that has already been disbursed or to adjust the loan rates. This can be done in the Hinawi ERP system by increasing the loan amount or adjusting the repayment terms. It is also possible to decrease or hold an already disbursed loan and adjust the loan installments, if necessary.

If an employee wishes to request repayment of their loan, they can do so through the Hinawi ERP system. The request is reviewed, and if approved, the necessary steps are taken to repay the loan.

The Hinawi ERP system also contains loan process and workflow manuals, in both English and Arabic, as well as additional information on loan activities. These resources provide guidance on each step of the loan process and help ensure that it is carried out smoothly and efficiently.

 Loan Summary Workflow     
 A. Create Form B. ApprovalsC. Post to AccountingAccounting. Payments Memo
1Create Loan Approve Loan is requiredYES required
Post to Accounting will be done at the time when creating the Loan Payment Voucher. 
Payment Through Payment Voucher only by Cash or Cheque or Bank Transfer. The payment mode is based on the Setup. Admin can make a Predefined set up to link the Loan with the Chart of Accounts. 
2Increase Loan Approval is not required.YES required
Post increase Loan.
Payment Through Payment Voucher only by Cash or Cheque or Bank Transfer. The payment mode is based on the Setup. When the price for an increased loan is created, the Debit Side will display automatically from the previous step.
3Refund. Loan Create a Request for a Refund LoanYES
Post to Accounting will be done when creating the Receipt Voucher. 
Receive Through Receipt Voucher by Cash or Cheque. The Credit side will show automatically, which is the Loan account used when paying the original loan in line 7, column F.
4Decrease Loan. Approval is requiredYES
Post Decrease Loan from update to Accounting Menu
Journal Voucher for Adjustments only. The Credit side will show automatically, which is the Loan account used when paying the original loan in line 7, column F.
5Hold / Adjust Monthly installment. Approval is not required for anyoneNONO Entries.
Create Adjust / Hold Loan
This will adjust the installment amount of the loan for the selected month. No changes in the current loan balance.
 Loan ActivitiesAccounting Entries for Loan for HR and Time Sheet Employees.    
  B & C: Accounting Entries on ApprovalsMenu LocationD. Payment / Refund of Loan / JVMenu LocationMemo
1When Creates LoanNo Post to Accounting at the time of creating a Loan. The Post to Accounting will be done when creating (Loan Payment Voucher).
Approval of Create Loan is a must.
Go to: HRMS Activities >>>> Loan >>>> Create then Approve it.

Dr. 09 Staff Loan  

Cr. Cash / Bank
(No Partial or Split Payment. 

Go to: HRMS Activities Menu  >>>> Payment of Activities  >>>> Pay LoanThe Mode of loan payment to the Employee is based on the Setup located in Manage Employees >>>> Set Salary and Allowances.
The system will start deducting loan installments after paying the loan, NOT on approval—2When
2When Increase LoanNo Post to Accounting at the time of Increase Loan. The Post to Accounting will be done when creating (Loan Increase Payment Voucher).
Approval of increasing the loan is NOT a must.
Go to: HRMS Activities >>>> Loan >>>> create Increase existing Approved LoanDr. 09 Staff Loan
This Debit Account will be selected automatically based on the previous Above step. Line 13 Column E
Cr. Cash / Bank    
(No Partial or Split Payment of Salary or Leave amount.)
Go to: HRMS Activities Menu  >>>> Payment of Activities  >>>> Pay increased approved LoanThe original loan amount will improve only after the payment is made.
The Mode of loan payment to the Employee is based on Setup located in Manage Employees >>>> Set Salary and Allowances.
3When Refund LoanNo Post to Accounting at the time of Increase Loan. The Post to Accounting will be done when creating (Receipt Voucher).
Approval of increasing the loan is NOT a must. 
Go to: HRMS Activities >>>> Loan >>>> Request for refund Loan

Dr. Cash / Bank 

Cr. 09 Staff Loan
This Credit Account will be selected automatically based on the previous Above step. Line 13 Column E                          

Go to HRMS Activities Menu  >>>> Receiving from Employees  >>>> Create Receipt Voucher from Refund Loan. The original loan amount will Decrease only after the creation of the receipt voucher is Done.
4—4 WhenWhen Decrease LoanNo Post to Accounting at the time of Increase Loan. The Post to Accounting will be done at the time of Posting (Journal Voucher) from update to Accounting Menu.
Approval of increasing the loan is NOT a must. 
Go to: HRMS Activities >>>> Loan >>>> Decrease LoanDr. Expenses / Cost or any accounts selected.
Cr. 09 Staff Loan
This Credit Account will be automatically selected based on the above step—line 13 Column E.
The entry will be Journal Entry. 
Go to: Update to Accounting >>>> HRMS Update  >>>> Post Decrease LoanThe original loan amount will Decrease only after Posting the Journal voucher.
The Credit side will show automatically, which is the Loan account that was used at the time when paying the original loan.
5 WhenWhen Hold / Adjust Monthly installmentNo installment Post to Accounting at all.
Approval is not required. 
Go to: HRMS Activities >>>> Loan >>>> Hold/Adjust LoanNo Accounting Affect._This will adjust the installment amount of the loan for the selected month.
No changes in the current loan balance.

Stop /Release Salary

Stop / Release work processes are the same for HR and Timesheet Employees

Kindly go to HRMS Activities (Menu), then select Stop/ Release Salary. 

Stop/ Release Salary:

From this window, the User can stop the Employee's Salary at any time, E.g., In case of Employee Suspension, punishment, etc.

Stop Salary:

  • Kindly go to the HRMS Activities Menu, select Stop/ Release Salary, then select Stop Salary.
  • From this window, User can stop the Employee Salary.
  • The User will select the Effective Date from which he wants to stop the Employee Salary.
  • And also, select the reason for stopping the Salary in the same window.
  • When the User saves this option, the Salary will be stopped from the Effective Date, and the Employee will be Inactive.
  • And once the Employee is Inactive User cannot create any activity against the Employee.

Release Salary:

  • Kindly go to the HRMS Activities Menu, select Stop/ Release Salary, then select Release/Delete Salary.
  • From this window, User can Release or delete the Employee Salary.
  • In this window, there are two options for the users to release their Salary:
  1. User will adjust the stop Salary days in the leave days, and the effect of the Stop Salary is the same as the left effect (depending on the type of Leave).

 E.g.,  If the User selects leave without pay, it will affect the service Period.

  1. User will adjust the stop Salary days in the Absence, and the effect of the Stop Salary is the same as the Absence effect, which is reading from the Absence Setup.

E.g.,  When the User selects Absence with an excuse or without, the effect of the Absence on the Stop Salary and the Service Period is read from the predefined Setup of the Absence. Below is the screenshot of the Absence Set up;

Accounting Entries for Additions / Deductions for HR and Time Sheet Employees Additions / Deductions Summary Workflow    
A. Create Form B. ApprovalsC. Post to AccountingAccounting. Payments Memo
Additions / DeductionsUse create Additions / Deductions for any amounts to give or cut from  Employees other than monthly Salaries and Allowances. This can be repeated monthly by using a Template. Approval is required. Post to Accounting will be done when Posting the Salary Sheet. These amounts will be in a separate column named: Additions / Deductions. Payment is through Salary Sheet Only. Admin can make a Predefined Setup to link the Additions with the Chart of Accounts. This will affect Accounting when posting the approved Salary Sheet.
 Additions / Deductions Accounting Details     
 B & C:   Accounting Entries on ApprovalsMenu LocationD. PaymentMenu LocationMemo
Additions / Deductions

Additions / Deductions column in Salary Sheet.

Dr. Additions / Deductions
(I will show Each Item in detail with the Amount)
Dr. Other accounts

Cr. Accrued Salary

Posting will be by JV through Salary Sheet. 

Go to: Update to Accounting Menu >>>> HRMS Update >>>> Post Salary SheetPayment of all types of Additions / Deductions will be through Salary Sheet only. Go to: Payroll Menu >>>> Pay Salary Sheet. The air ticket will be under the Additions / Deduction column in the Salary Sheet.

Addition/Deduction Work Process:

The process is the same for HR and Timesheet Employees.

Kindly go to HRMS Activities (Menu), then select create Addition/Deduction

   Create Addition/Deduction:

Kindly go to HRMS Activities (Menu) and decide to take a screenshot of Addition/Deduction. Below is the screenshot;

Select the Employee Name, Trans. Type & Description:

  • Select the Employee Name to create the Addition or deduction in this Column.
  • Select the Type Addition or deduction in this column.
  • Select the Description against Addition or Deduction. g. (Bonus, fine, penalty, Incentive, etc.)

Select the Pay on Type, Value & Amount

Example no 1:

  • When the User wants to pay some amount as a bonus or incentive to Employee with the Salary.
  • Select the Amount option in the (Pay on) Column; the user wants to pay a specific amount to the Employee, then fill the Addition value in the (Value) column. When the value is filled, the amount will automatically come in the (Amount)

Example no 2:

  • When the user wants to deduct some amount as a fine or Penalty from the Employee's Salary.
  • Select the Amount option in the (Pay on) Column; it means that the user wants to deduct the specific amount from the Employee Salary, then fill the deduction value in the (Value) column; when the Value column is filled, then the amount will come automatically in the (Amount)

Save Addition/ Deduction:

After filling the complete information in the Create Addition/ deduction (Menu), save this window.

Edit Addition/Deduction:

Users can also edit the Addition/ Deduction after saving.

Approve Addition/Deduction:

After Creating the Addition/Deduction, kindly go to HRMS Activities (Menu), then select Approve Addition/Deduction.

Create Template:

Kindly go to HRMS Activities (Menu) and select Create Template. Below is the screenshot;

Addition and Deduction Template:

When the user wants to pay or deduct from the Addition/Deduction for a specific Employee, by using this Menu User can create the template for the selected Employee as shown below;


Kindly fin filling the Template Name in the Addition & Deduction Template.

Every Month: the 

IfI you unselect the option every month, the System will automatically create and approve the Addition or deduction with the Salary sheet until you unselect the Stop date from the Addition & Deduction Template or the Employee becomes Inactive.

Update Manually:

Suppose the user selects the option update Manu. In that case, Ally has toto to go into the ate Addition & Deduction window and open the template to create addition and deduction manually.

Stop Date:

(This option is available Every Month)

If users want to stop the Addition &  Deduction Template, use the Stop date option to stop.

Additions \ Deductions Setup

Absconded Workers (Run Away)

HRMS Activities (Menu) then select Absconded Workers

    Absconded Workers Process:              

  Absconded Workers (Run Away):

  • Kindly go to the HRMS Activities Menu, then select Absconded Workers (Run Away).
  • From this window User can stop the Employee Salary at any time g. In case of Employee run away from the Company.

Absconded Workers Form:

  • Kindly go to the HRMS Activities Menu, select Absconded Workers (Run Away), then select Absconded Workers Form.
  • From this window user can stop the Employee Salary.
  • User will select the effective date from which date he wants to stop the Employee Salary.
  • And also select the reason to stop the Salary in the same window.
  • When the User saves this option, the Salary will be stopped from the Effective Date, and Employee will be Inactive.
  • And once the Employee is Inactive user cannot create any activity against the Employee.

Release/ Cancel Absconded Workers:

  • Kindly go to the HRMS Activities Menu, select Absconded Workers (Run Away), then select Release / Cancel Absconded Workers.
  • From this window user can Release or cancel the Employee Salary in case he will be back.
  • In this window, there are two options for the users to release the Salary:
  1. User will adjust the stop Salary days in the leave days, and the effect of the Stop Salary is the same as the left effect (depending on the type of Leave).

 E.g.,  If the user selects leave without pay, it will surely affect the service Period.

  1. User will adjust the stop Salary days in the Absence, and the effect of Stop Salary is the same as the Absence effect, which is reading from the Absence Setup.

 E.g.,  When the User selects Absence with an excuse or without, the effect of the Absence on the Stop Salary and the Service Period of the Absconded worker is read from the predefined Setup of the Absence. Below is the screenshot of the Absence Setup.

Air Ticket Work Process

Air Ticket work processes are the same for HR and Timesheet Employees

Kindly go to HRMS Activities (Menu), then select Air Ticket

  1. Air Ticket:

Kindly go to HRMS Activities (Menu), then select Air Ticket.

  1. Air Ticket Setup:

Kindly go to HRMS Activities (Menu) and select Air Ticket, then select Air Ticket Setup.

User will make this Setup only one time for all Employees. In this Setup user has to mention the following details;

  • Departure from:
  • (Employee is departing from which city)
  • Departure to:
  • (Employee is departing to which city)
  • Number of tickets:
  • ( How many Air tickets can be given to the Employee )
  • Maximum Amount :
  • ( How much maximum Amount can be given to the Employee for Air Ticket)
  • Travel class:
  • ( Class of The Air Ticket is Economy, First class, or Business Class)
  • Ticket Type:
  • ( Air Ticket is a way or Round Trip)
  • Frequency:
  • ( How many tickets can be allowed for the Employee in months or years)
  • Mode:
  • ( Mode of Ticket for the Employees can be every month or every year or after every 2 years)
  • Next due date:
  • (What is the due date of the Air Ticket for Employee)
  • Allow to change Amount :
  • ( Air Ticket Amount can be allowed to change in the future or not)
  • Allow to Use Before:
  • ( Air Ticket can be allowed to use before within a specific period)
  • Allow to Use After:
  • ( Air Ticket can be allowed to use after within a specific period)
  • Notes:
  • ( Any comments if the user wants to write related to Air Ticket)
  • Status:
  • (Employee status is Active or Inactive shown in this last column of Status)

Once the User does the Setup of all employees, then after the Setup User can create an Air Ticket for the Employee.

  1. Use Air Ticket:

After the Setup user can pay for the Air Ticket from this window. When the user spends the Air Ticket for the first time, the Due date will be read from the Setup.

After saving the Air Ticket user cannot be able to modify the transaction amount of the Air Ticket. And next due date will be calculated based on the last due date.

i.e. (The due date of the Air Ticket is 01-01-2017, and the next due date after using the Air ticket will be 01-01-2018, reading from the mode of the Air Ticket in the Setup.

Select the Payment type:

The user will select the Payment type in the use Air Ticket Window;

  • Salary Sheet:

Means Air Ticket Amount will be included in Salary Sheet and will be considered as paid when Salary Sheet is produced.

  • Payment Voucher:

Means Air Ticket will be paid by Payment Voucher separately from the Salary Sheet. Mode for the Payment of Air Ticket (Cash, Cheque, or Bank Transfer) will be reading from the pre-defined Setup of

method of payment for Air Ticket in the set Salary and Benefits window Located Under Manage Employees (Menu).

  1. Air Ticket amount will be shown in the Salary Sheet:

When the user selects the Salary Sheet option in the Payment Type, the Employee will get the Air Ticket amount with the Salary of the Effective Month. (The same month the User selects in the Use Air Ticket Window.)

  1. Pay Air Ticket:

To pay the Air Ticket, Kindly go to HRMS Activities (Menu), select the Payment of Activities, and then select Pay Air ticket. Pay Air Ticket can be used only when the user chooses the Payment Voucher option in the Payment type to pay the Air Ticket in the Use Air Ticket Window. Mode for the Payment of Air Ticket is reading from the pre-defined Setup of the method of payment of Air Ticket (Cash, Cheque, or bank transfer), which user will fill in the Set Salary & benefits window Located Under Manage Employees (Menu). According to this mode of Payment Setup, a Payment Voucher will open, and the User can pay for the Air Ticket from this Payment Voucher. And this will automatically affect Accounting when creating the payment Voucher to spend for the Air Ticket.

Accounting Entries for Air Ticket for HR and Time Sheet EmployeesSummary Workflow    
A. Create Form B. ApprovalsC. Post to AccountingD. Payments Memo
Air TicketUsers must create a Setup for Air Ticket as the first step. The Setup screen has many options to select and conditions. These Setup options are by Employee. There is no approval required when creating the Setup. Post to Accounting will be done when Posting the Salary Sheet or making the Payment  Voucher. Payment is through Salary Sheet and Payment Voucher. Creating PV will be the same process as creating it from the Accounting Menu. It will take the following latest Number of PV. Payment can be by Cash \ Cheque, or Bank Transfer as per Setup. Admin can make a Predefined Setup to link the Additions with the Chart of Accounts. This will affect Accounting when posting the approved Salary Sheet. 
Accounting Details     
A. Create FormB & C: Accounting Entries on ApprovalsMenu LocationD. PaymentMenu LocationMemo
Additions / Deductions

The air ticket will be part of the  Additions Deductions column with its name.

Dr. Additions \ Deduction Air Ticket Account
Dr. Other accounts

Cr. Accrued Salary
I will show Each Item in detail with the Amount.

Posting will be by JV through Salary Sheet. 

Go to: Update to Accounting Menu >>>> HRMS Update >>>> Post Salary SheetPayment of Air ticket will be through Salary Sheet or Payment Voucher. The air ticket will be under the column of Additions / Deduction in the Salary Sheet.

Dr. Salaries & Allowances 

Dr. Additions Account 

Dr. Others 


A. If Payment by WPS

Dr. Accrued Unpaid Salaries     Account will be selected automatically based on the previous step in column E. 

 Cr. Deductions Account                   Cr. Accrued Unpaid Salaries. Cr. Bank     (No Partial or Split Payment of Salary Amount.)  
 Posting Additions and Deductions to Accounting will be done by JV through Salary Sheet. B. If Payment by Payment Voucher. Payment of Salary & Leave Can be paid by: Cash, Cheque, or Bank Transfer  
   Dr. Accrued Unpaid Salaries (Automatically Selected)   
   Cr. Cash / Bank (No Partial or Split Payment of Salary or Leave Amount.)  
   Posting to Accounting by Payment Voucher  
   Posting the Payment By:  
   Each Employee -> No Payment for a group of Employees.  

Employee Training Work Process

Employee Training work processes are the same for HR and Timesheet Employees

Kindly go to HRMS Activities (Menu), then select Employee Training  

  1. Create Employee Training:

Kindly go to HRMS Activities (Menu), select Employee Training, then select Create Training.

Users can fill in the Training details of the Employee in Create Training form like (Training date, Training Course Name, Training Location, Number of Days for training, etc.)

  1. Select the Payment Time:

             User must select the Payment time to pay for the training:

  • After Training:

If the Training was in April 2017 and the User wants to pay for the Training Payment in June 2017 so, in this case, select the After Training option and the Payment Method, i.e. (Pay Now or pay Through Salary sheet) and then choose June 2017 in the effective month while creating the Training Form.

  • Before Training:

If the Training was in April 2017 and Use the r wanted to pay for the Training Payment in February 2017, in this case, select the Before Training  option and the Payment Method, i.e. (Pay Now or Pay Through Salary

Sheet) and select February 2017 as the Effective month while creating the Training Form.

  1. Select the Payment type:

              Users must select the payment type to Pay for the Training.

  • Pay through Salary Sheet:

Means Training Payment will be included in the Salary Sheet of the selected Effective month at the time of Creating the Training Form and will be considered as paid when the Salary Sheet is produced.

  • Pay Now: (Pay Through Payment Voucher)

This means Training will be paid by Payment Voucher, and the Payment time (Before or After Training) is read from the create Training Window. Mode for the Payment of Employee Training will be according to the pre-defined Setup of the method of payment of Training (Cash, Cheque, or bank transfer) which user will fill in the Set Salary & benefits window located under Manage Employees (Menu)

  1. Edit/ Delete Training:

If wants User wants to Edit or Delete the Training after saving, so from this option, he can do it. the 

  1. Approve Training:

After saving the Create Training Form, the User must approve the Training.

  1. Return from Training:

Users have to create the return from the Training when Employee comes back from the Training.

  1. Pay Training:

To pay for the Training, Kindly go to HRMS Activities (Menu), select the Payment of Activities, and then select Pay Training.

Pay Training can be used only when the user selects the Pay Now option in the Payment type to pay for the Training in the create Training Form. Mode for the Payment of Training is reading from the pre-defined Setup of the payment method of Training (Cash, Cheque, or Bank Transfer), which user will fill in the Set Salary & benefits window Located Under Manage Employees (Menu). According to this mode of Payment Setup, the Payment Voucher will open, and the User can pay the Training Payment from this Payment Voucher.

And this will affect Accounting automatically at the time of creating the payment Voucher to pay for the Employee Training.

Employee Expense Work Process

Employee Expenses work process are same for HR and Timesheet Employees

HRMS Activities (Menu) then select Employee Expenses


  1. Create Expenses:

Kindly go to HRMS Activities (Menu), select Employee Expenses, and then select Create Expenses.

From this window, the user can create the Employee Expenses other than the Salary like Home expenses, Travelling expenses, or any other Expenses related to the Employee. Users can fill in the Expense details of the Employee in the Create Expense Form (Expense Date, Expense Description, Expense Amount, etc.)


  1. Edit/ Delete Expenses:

If the user wants to Edit or Delete the Employee Expense after saving, he can edit or delete it.

  1. Approve Expenses:

After saving the Create Expenses Form, the User must approve the Expenses.

  1. Pay Expenses:

To pay the Expenses, Kindly go to HRMS Activities (Menu), select the Payment of Activities, and then select Pay Expenses.

Payment Mode to Pay for the Expenses is always reading from the Pre-define Setup of the mode of payment of Expenses (Cash, Cheque, or Bank transfer) which the user will fill in the Set Salary & benefits window located Under Manage Employees (Menu). According to this mode of Payment Setup, a Payment Voucher will open, and the User can pay the Expenses from this Payment Voucher.

And this will affect Accounting automatically at the time of creating the payment Voucher to pay for the Employee Expenses.

Accounting Entries for Expenses for HR and Time Sheet EmployeesSummary Workflow    
A. Create Form B. ApprovalsC. Post to AccountingAccounting. Payments Memo
ExpensesUse create Additions for any amounts to give employees other than monthly Salaries and Allowances. This addition can be repeated monthly if required. Approval is required. Post to Accounting will be done when Posting the Salary Sheet. Payment is through Salary Sheet Only. Admin can make a Predefined Setup to link the Additions with the Chart of Accounts. This will affect Accounting when posting the approved Salary Sheet. 
Accounting Details     
A. Create FormB & C:                                           Accounting Entries on ApprovalsMenu LocationD. PaymentMenu LocationMemo
ExpensesApproval is a must. There is no separate Additions entry to post to accounting, but the Post to Accounting will be only through Posting the approved Salary Sheet.Go to: HRMS Activities >>>> Additions / Deductions >>>> create then Approve it.Payment or Deductions is through Salary Sheet Only. When Posting Salary Sheet. The  Additions / Deduction Amount in Salary Sheet will show in a separate column with a breakdown of each type of addition.

Dr. Salaries & Allowances 

Dr. Additions Account

Dr. Others             

 A. If Payment by WPS            Dr. Accrued Unpaid Salaries                                                                     Account will be selected automatically based on a previous step in column E.   

Cr. Deductions Account

 Cr. Accrued Unpaid Salaries.

 Cr. nk (No Partial or Split Payment of Salary Amount.)  
 Posting Additions and Deductions to Accounting will be done by JV through Salary Sheet. B. If Payment by Payment Voucher. Payment of Salary & Leave Can be paid by: Cash, Cheque, or Bank Transfer  
   Dr. Accrued Unpaid Salaries (Automatically Selected)   
   Cr. Cash / Bank (No Partial or Split Payment of Salary or Leave Amount.)  
   Posting to Accounting by Payment Vouch, a her  
   Posting the Payment By:  
   Each Employee -> No Payment for a group of Employees.  


Additions Deductions is ONE Form.

Benefits Work Process

Employee Benefits work Processes are the same for HR and Timesheet Employees.

Kindly go to HRMS Activities (Menu), then select Air Ticket.

Before creatcreatinge, the Employee Benefits user needs to create the benefits Payments details (Like Amount, Frequency, Starting date of Benefits, Ending Date of Benefits, etc.) in the Set Salary & Benefit window located under Manage Employees. Benefit Payment cannot be paid through the Salary sheet.

  1. Benefits:

Kindly go to HRMS Activities (Menu), then select Benefits.

  1. Create Expenses:

Kindly go to HRMS Activities (Menu), select Benefits, and then select Create Benefits.

The user can only confirm the Employee Benefits (by tick) from this window because the Benefits are already created in the Set Salary & Benefits Window.

  1. Always paid from Payment Voucher:

Benefits are always paid by default from the Payment Voucher. Users cannot pay the Employee Benefits from the Salary sheet.

  1. Approve Benefits:

After saving the Create Benefits Form, the user must approve the Benefits.

  1. Pay benefits:

To pay the Benefits, Kindly go to HRMS Activities (Menu), select the Payment of Activities, and then select Pay Benefits.

Payment Mode to Pay the Benefits is always reading from the Pre-define Setup of the mode of payment of Benefits (Cash, Cheque, or Bank transfer) which the user will fill in the Set Salary & benefits window located Under Manage Employees (Menu). According to this mode of payment Setup, a Payment Voucher will open, and the User can pay for the benefits from this Payment Voucher.

And this will affect Accounting automatically at the time of creating the payment Voucher to pay for the Employee Benefits.

Salary Sheet Work Flow and Accounting EntriesSalary Sheet Workflow Summary   
A. Create Form B. ApprovalsC. Post to accounting em employeesD. Payments by Payment VoucherMemo

For HR Employees,

The Employee gets his Salary without filling out Timesheet.

1. Draft Salary Sheet Approval is not required.
The system will read both approved and NOT approved activities created from HRMS Menu.

Draft Salary Sheet does not affect counting or Payments.

Important Note: User can't create Salary Sheet for any month unless previous months are completed. However, approval of the Salary Sheet must be followed in order month by month.

 2. Create Salary Sheet Approval is required for Salary Sheet. The system will read the approved activities that are created from HRMS Menu. The system is not allowed to recreate the Sheet until ALL HRMS Activities are supported sup and ported.
It's not required to approve any HRMS Activities not related to the current month of Salary; approval can be done later.
User can't pay Salary at this stage
Once; Salary Sheet is Created. Still Users that, ere is a chance to edit it. Use creates any activities after creating a Salary EXCEPT leave activities are not allowed. If new activities are created after Salary Sheet, the user must re-create the Salary to refresh the first one. If the user missed entering the lealefttivity and Salary created, then the user MUST delete the created one.
 3. Apply TaxesNoTogether when posting  Salary SheetNOThere is an option in Company to stop Taxes.
 4. Approve Salary Sheet To approve the Salary Sheet, the user must approve ALL created activities for this month.YESNOOnce Salary Sheet is approved, there is NO chance to edit or t delete. After approval, use the r can pay salaries to employees at this stage.
 5. Pay Salary SheetBased on Setup integration with Accounting. Posting to Accounting has 2 options: Batches and Real-Time. YES                   YES,                                         Payment of Salary sheet can be only after approving the Salary Sheet and MUST BE Posted to Accounting.
A. Create FormB. approvalC. Post to AccountingD. Payments by Payment VoucherMemo

For Timesheet Employees,

 Timesheet must fill to get the Salary.

1. Create TimesheetApproval is not available.NONODaily Timesheet is recommended to use.
2. Create Salary Sheet Will read From Timesheet + read the approved activities thaated from HRMS Menu.NONOOnce Salary Sheet is Created, slithery is stilluserschance to edit it by using Create once again. Alsouserser can edit in Timesheet even Salary Salary is created.  Use the user's pay salt heir ary at this stage.
More information in lines and 9G above.
3.Apply TaxesNoTogether when posting Salary SheetNOThere is option ion in settings to stop Taxes.
4. Approve Salary Sheet To approve the Salary Sheet, use the r must approve ALL created activities be belonging this month. YESNOOnce, the Salary Sheet app is roved; there is NO chance to edit or delete it and NO chance to edit Timesheet. After approval, use the r can pay the Salary to employees at this stage.
5.Pay Salary SheetPayment can be Cash, Cheque, or Bank Transfer by WPS. It's on Setup.YESYes
Payment is after Approve the Salary Sheet only. Payment Module: Cash, Cheque, Bank Transfer, or WPS. 
Payment of Salary sheet can be only after approval. 
Sal ary Sheet Accounting Details    
A. Create FormB & C:                   Accounting Entries on ApprovalsMenu LocationD. Payment Menu LocationMemo
Approved Salary Sheet (for HR and Timesheet Employees)

Dr. Salaries & Allowances
Dr. Additions
Dr. Other Accounts

Dr. Loan (Installments)
Cr. Accrued Salaries (Unpaid)

Posting Salary Sheet to Accounting is by JV.

Posting can be by:-
Total Monthly Summary
Monthly Details
Monthly Details

Go to: Update to Accounting >>>> HRMS Update >>>> Post Salary Sheet  

A. If Payment by WPS:
Dr. Accrued Salaries (Unpaid)                                                                
Account will be selected automatically based on the previous step on the sides.

Cr. Bank    
(No Partial or Split Payment of Salary amount.)


All Salary Items and Allowances can be a predefined link with the Chart of Accounts. These Accounts will be auto-filled at the time of posting.

Go to: Payroll Menu >>>> Payment


B. If Payment by Payment Voucher:
Dr. Accrued Salaries & Leave
Account will be selected automatically based on the previous step on the side.

Cr. Cash \ Bank Amount \ Bank Transfer.
(No Partial or Split Payment of Salary or Leave amount.)

Payment is by Each Employee. There is No Payment for groa up of Employees.

Pay and Receive.
ActivityGo to: HRMS Activities MenuAccounting Module Effect
 Payment Of Activities* Pay Leave - HR Employees
* Pay Leave - Timesheet Employees
* Pay Encash Leave - Timesheet
* Pay Loan
* Pay Increased Paid Loan
* Pay Air Ticket
* Pay Training
* Pay Expenses
* Pay Benefit
* Pay End Of Service
* Pay Pension to Government

Go to HRMS Activities -> Payment of Activities

The User Can't pay t an Employee from the Accounting Menu.
The user MUST go to the HRMS Activities Menu to pay for the approved activities. With this, the status of activities will change to Paid. 

At the time of Posting
Receiving From Employees* Receive Amount for Earlier Leave.
* Create Receipt Voucher for a Refund
* Receive Payment for EOS Final

Go to: HRMS Activities->Receiving From Employees

The user can't receive money from the Employee using the  Accounting Menu. The user MUST go to the HRMS Activities Menu. The status of activities will change after this activity. 

At the time of Posting
Monthly Posting EntriesGo to: Update to Accounting Menu --> HRMS UpdateAccounting Module Effect
* Post HR Salary Sheet -All Payment Modes
* Post Timesheet Salary - All Payment Modes
* Post HR Salary Payment ( Created From WPS )
* Post Timesheet Salary Payment ( Created From WPS )
* Post Leave Salary - HR & Timesheet Employees
* Post Decrease Loan
* Post EOS Benefit
* Post Company Pension
* Post Leave Monthly \ Yearly Provision
* Post Air Ticket Provision
* Post EOS Provision
Posted by Journal Entry to AccountingGo to -> Update to Accounting Menu
Instructions on how to use HRMS Module in Hinawi Software
Effective Date: The user MUST make sure about this date before saving. This date is linked with many activities in the system and will affect the amount in the Salary Sheet. 
Please read ALL messages carefully before saving.
ALWAYS check the Employee's status and Salary Sheet Status if the system doesn't allow you to continue saving or if the Employee is not showing on the Salary sheet. 
Following up on system rules and steps is very important. It is the Customer's responsibility if the rules are broken. 
If an Employee has several leaves, the user must create a "return leave" for each one. There is no template or form to return for all leaves. 
Users Can Create multiple loans at the same time, but approval is a must to continue the payment process and other processes. 
If the Customer uses a predefined template to create Additions / Deductions and Posting to the Salary sheet is automatic, then approval is NOT required in this case. 
Calculation of annual Leaves balance: The system will read the total due days from the joining date until the start date of the leave minus the total Number of days already taken and used before until the due date of this leave, and the difference between them is considered as the annual leave balance ready to be used. 
In the case of using the opening balance and knowing the leave balance, the system will not take the joining date; It will rather take the next day of the leave’s opening balance. Therefore, the joining date is ignored. 
Most Activities need approval before creating Salary Sheet, and this approval is mandatory to affect the Salary Sheet. However, any Activities started in the present time having effects in the future doesn't require immediate approval since they will not affect the current month's Salary sheet. Example: Annual Leave is created and selected after 6 months. 
Users can't make a Salary Sheet for any month unless previous months are already created. Therefore, Salary Sheets are created in order and can’t be skipped. However, approval of the Salary Sheet must be followed in order month by month. Example: Approval of March must be done after February’s approval and all other months before that. 
System Can do partial approval of Salary Sheet by selected Employee name or by position chosen or Department. 
Once the Payroll Start date is set and the Salary sheet is created, the system will not allow changing to any previous date. Example: If the Setup of the Payroll start date is January 2020, users can't change back later since the Salary Sheet of January 2020 has been created. 
Remember to post the approved activities to accounting before approval. The system will allow payment after posting to Accounting first. 
Payment of Employee activities must be from HRMS Menu, NOT from Accounting Menu. 
In the case of Salary Payments to Employees, there’s no possible way to pay salaries in stages; Payment is done at once for the entire Salary.
The payment can't be split in the Salary Sheet for the same Employee, Meaning that only one type of Payment must be selected. 
Regarding Stop / Release Salary:
Kindly use the Stop / Release Salary Activity for employees who suddenly got absent for some time without any previous note; For example 1,2, or 3 days rather than providing a previous notice.
However, if an Employee did inform the person in charge about his absence for several days, weeks, or months, in that case, "Leave without Pay" is recommended to be used instead of "Stop / Release Salary" since that’s what’s recommend ed. 
Absconded Workers Activity is used when there are official Data that they have left the job or the country; In this case, this Employee is selected as Run Away.
In other words, Absconded Workers is similar to Stop Salary. Still, the difference is that Stop Salary is when it's certain that the Employee is in the country, has a personal reason, or has been contacted by the HR user by phone. Still, Absconded Workers are when it's not 100% certain where / her current location is. 

In Addition / Deduction, predefine Template (Not the form):-
Any activities created through this template that were not yet used regarding the current month or any previous month for any reason such as Employee is on leave, or Salary is stopped, etc.. in this case, the template will still exist without causing or having any effect on future Salary Sheets since this is just a template. Therefore, the user must go back manually to the template and change the month where it will be affected.
This is similar to "Predefine Invoice templates and Quotation templates" in Accounting Module.
At the same time, this template has an effect when creating the "End Of Service" activity if the posting of this template is Automatic and the template must be active.
The system will add the template amounts in EOS settlement starting from the current month of EOS and afterward.

However, in the "Additions the / Deductions" FORM, future transactions will be taken into consideration and will be calculated automatically at the time of creating the "End Of Service" activity.

Sr.HRMS ActivitiesActionEmployee
Can Create Leaves?Can Create Absence?Can Create Stop / Release Salary?Can Create Absconded
Can you Create a Loan? Can you Create Additions / Deductions? Can you Create Air Ticket? Can Create Employee
Can Create Employee
Can Create Benefits? Can Create End of Service? Cash PaymentCheque PaymentBank TransferSalary Sheet Update days only on LedgerCan process the Payment Voucher located under HRMS Activities Menu? Can Inactive Employee be seen in Manage Employees Menu? Can you use the Employee name in other modules? Can you find Employee in HRMS Reports and Other Modules Report?
1Annual Leaves
Note for Extend leave: Extend leave will be the same action as Create NEW Leave, and it's automatically considered APPROVED.
Users can create multiple leaves based on Setup, if allowed or not. 
(But possible for different dates for the same Employee)
(But pay loan has conditions)
The status of Employee in the Salary Sheet will be: ON LEAVE. But the User can create Additions/deductions if the Mode of Payment of leave is "UPDATE LEDGER. "
Yes, YesYesYesNo.
(Employee must Return or delete the leave. 
(If the payment mode is Pay Now)
(If payment  mode is Pay Now)
(If payment mode is Pay Now)
(Can't to pay to leave at the time of creating)
Users can create multiple leaves based on the Setup       Users, if allowed or not. 
(But possible for different date regarding the same Employee)
(But pay loan has conditions)
(Employee must Return from his /their..
Already defined at the time of creation.    Yes
(After approval and after posting to accounting).
  Extend LeaveActiveYes
Users can create multiple leaves based on the Setup, if allowed or not. 
(But possible for different date regarding the same Employee)
(But pay loan has conditions)
(Employee must Return back fromtheirr their leave..
(If the payment mode is Pay Now)
(If the payment mode is Pay Now)
(If payment mode is Pay Now)
YesYesYes (After posting to accounting).YesYesYes
Use this activity when Employee has returned from leave. Timesheet to fill absence for Time Sheet Employees
(But for different)
(But possible for da different for the same Employee)
(Deduct directly from Salary amount) 
Update absence ledger and option to deduct from annual leave days
There's no payment for absence.
Note: For HR Employees, the system has a column for absence days, hours, and amount. For Time Sheet employees, the system will show net days and amount t to be paid.
(Employee on work now)
(But for different)
(But possible for a different Employee or different date for the same Employee)
Yes YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesx     YesYesYes
3Stop / Release SalaryCreate Stop SalaryInactiveNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo NoNoXXXYesXIf stop Salary is on 01.05 and release on 03.05, then the system will calculate the 2 days with 2 options: as Leave or as Absence. The calculation is explained above.NoNoYes
  Release Salary
(Employee is back to work now)
ActiveYesYesXYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesXXXYesX YesYesYes
4Absconded Workers  Create Absconded Workers InactiveNo NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo NoNoXXXYesXIf Absconded is on 01.05 and release on 03.05, then the system will calculate the 2 days with 2 options: as Leave or as Absence. The calculation is explained above.NoNoYes
  Release Absconded
(Employee is back to work now)
Active YesYesYes XYesYesYesYesYesYesYesXXXYesX YesYesYes
(It doesn't appear at the time of creating)
  ApproveActiveYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready the defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the creationYes
(Remember there is a Setup for payment)
6Additions / DeductionsCreateActiveYes YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesXXXYesXNo
(Additions / Deductions appear in the Salary sheet, not in payment of activities)
  ApproveActiveYes YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesX     YesYesYes
Sr.HRMS ActivitiesActionEmployee
Can Create Leaves?Can Create Absence?Can Create Stop / Release Salary?Can Create Absconded
Can you Create a Loan? Can you Create Additions / Deductions? Can you Create Air Ticket?Can Create Employee
Can Create Employee
Can Create Benefits? Can Create End of Service? Cash PaymentCheque PaymentBank TransferSalary Sheet Update days only on LedgerCan process the Payment Voucher located under HRMS Activities Menu? Manage Employees Menu.
Can InActive Employee be seen in this Menu?
Can I use Employee name in other modules? Can you find Employee in HRMS Reports and Other Modules Report?
7Air TicketCreate Air Ticket SetupActiveYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesX    NoYesYesYes
  Prepare Payment
 for Use Air Ticket
ActiveYesYesYesYesYes YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesXYes
(Depending on whether it's through Salary sheet or payment voucher)
(Can't pay for training at the time of creating)
  ApproveActiveYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready the defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the creationYes
If Payment after approval and before returning
(Remember there is a setup for payment)
  Return from TrainingActiveYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes     Yes
If Payment after returning
(Remember there is a setup for payment)
9Employee ExpensesCreateActiveYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesXXNo
(Can't pay expenses at the time of creating)
  ApproveActiveYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready the defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the creationYes
(Remember there is a set upup for payment)
10Benefits CreateActiveYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesXXNo
(Can't pay Benefits at the time of creating)
  ApproveActiveYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the creationYes
(Remember there is a setup for payment)
11End of ServiceCreate
Has 2 Options and the user will decide at the time of creation.
ActiveNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo NoNoYesYesYesXXNo
(It doesn't appear at the time of creating)
(Settlement sheet is available)
   InactiveNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the crea.tion NoYes
(But after Payment of EOS it will not be seen at all)
  ApproveInactiveNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the creationAlready defined at the time of the creationYesNoYes
(But after Payment of EOS it will not ne seen at all)
12Employee ListWhen changing the Employee status to Inactive, the result will be the same as Stop Salary and AbscondedInactiveNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoXXXXXXNoNoYes


Admin users can create or edit the  Setup at any time regardless of the Employee's status and the system will save this new Setup. However, this setup will affect the Employee based on the effective date and the Employee's position. 

In-Active Means:

Can't create any Activities . The Employee is blocked in the Salary Sheet. Can't set heir/ her name. The Employee list is Inactive.

Active Means:

Can Create Activities based Setup.


Please keep watching the videos and subscribe to our YouTube channel at Hinawi Software.

HR Activities:-

Allows its users to perform various activities upon its employees. Users can utilize all the essentials. Attributes that the feature HRMS Activities provide:-

Leave Management:

It allows managing information related to leaves taken by their employees. In the web version, the employees can request leaves, and if needed, the leave application could either be approved or declined based on the Company policy. Leave Management is also integrated with the Hinawi Web Application.

Employee Absences:

Users can manage the absences of employees—deductions by days or hours.

Stop/Release Salary:

Users can Hold/Release the Salary for a particular Employee. If the Salary is on hold for that Employee, it would not be debited to their account until Released. 


Users can manage loans for a particular Employee. Users can create, edit, approve and delete loans.


Users can manipulate their account balances by performing Addition or Deduction operations associated with the Employee. For example, an Incentive is provided to the Employee at the End of the month for an excellent performance.


Users can create benefits for their Company employees, and if approved, they can be paid.

End of Service (EOS):

Users can create, edit, approve and delete EOS, etc. The calculation is based on the settings created. In this form, the system will calculate unpaid salaries, leave, items not returned, deductions, and more.

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