School Module


The school module is an independent module that is a part of the Hinawi Software. It brings various features that your school can utilize to organize and manage data that are related to your business. It allows your school to manage students, programs, grades, and all the financial data as the School Module is also integrated with the accounting software. It also allows you to create customized templates and print them. By implementing our School Module from the Hinawi Software, users will have a better experience as the School module is specially designed to meet the needs of their business

  • Admissions management
  • Enrolment management
  • Events management
  • Student portal
  • Guardians Database
  • Student activities and Marks
  • Bus tracking by students
  • Income, discounts, and school fees tracking
  • Level of access
  • Comprehensive reports, Reminders, and Design templates forms and Printing
  • Advanced Settings
  • Arabic and English
  • Integrated with Other modules in Hinawi Software
  • Integrated with QuickBooks Accounting
  • This year will be Integrated with Hinawi Web and Mobile application

Adding New Applicant:

The users can record potential candidates for the school.  They can record information such as:-

Registration Details:

 Registration Details include details such as Name, Date of Birth, nationality, Previous School, and Program interested to enroll in, etc.

Guardian Details:

 If the Guardian of the candidate happens to be one of the employees in the school, then that could be added.  The system will read the Employees from the HR Module, as each module is integrated with other modules of the Hinawi Software.

Passport Details: 

The users can record basic details of the candidate’s passport.

Documents Checklist:

The user will select from the list what are documents must be presented by the applicant. Documents requirements can be added from the settings module.


 General notes can be added by the user about the applicant.

Entrance Exam Result:

The users of the system can enter the results of the Entrance Exams given by the interested candidates. 

Enroll Students:

Once the student has passed the entrance exam, they could be enrolled as a student in the School. Users of the system can enroll the student and associate that student with a unique Roll No.  

Inactive/Active Students:

The system can keep records of both Active/Inactive Students.  The users can filter the Active/Inactive students based on the criteria such as Active/Inactive from a specific School, (The system allows to keep track of multiple schools) after a specified school has been added, a program, grade, or section, could be selected to filter Active/Inactive Students.

Student Bus list:

The users of the system can view data related to the transportation services taken by the student.  The users can filter students belonging to a specific Bus No., and The trip that Bus takes.


The system can record all information about the activities of the students, such as Absences. 

Class Teacher:

The System can record all the details related to the Class Teachers. The details include-The School they reside in, their Name, their Program, the Section they teach, and their Qualification.

Generate Income:

Based on fees settings, the software can generate automatic income entries by semester or academic year. This income will charge for each student account by Credit Invoice form. The income items can be: Tuition fees, bus, books, uniform and more.

Generate Discount:

Based on discount settings, the software can generate automatic discount entries. Discount types are Sibling, employee, and other discounts. This discount will be credited to the student account by Credit Memo form. The income items can be Tuition fees, bus, books, uniform,s and more.

Student Profile:

The System can fetch the profiles of the students by filtering it on the criteria such as the Grade, Section they belong in. It contains all the required information.

Final Exams:

The system can record all the details of the Final Exam results.  It includes the list of students who have Passed, Failed, and who have an incomplete academic record.  The students who have passed the Final exam are eligible to be promoted to the next grade level, but students who have failed or have an incomplete academic record- will be provided to promote to the next grade level.

Promote Students:

Once the students have passed the Final Exams, they can be promoted to the next grade level from the software.

The School Module in Hinawi Software provides varieties of reports that the user can generate. The feature reads all the data from the system and allows to the creation of a customized report.   After the report is generated, the user also has the privilege to export it to excel for further use. 

Applicants Report:

Applicant List, According to grade / Nationality, According to Exam Result, and According to receipt Number.

Enrolled Students Reports:

Students Main information, Students Age information, Students Father professional and Students Telephone number.

Students Records:

The official record, Students’ record, Religion record, Local/ Unlocal record, and Final results Record.

Student Count Report:

Student Count (Grade & Section), Student Count (Grade, Section & Gender) and Student Count (Nationality & Gender).

Student Statistics:

Religion Statistics, Religion by Section, Local Statistics, Age statistics, Age & Religion Statistics, and Student Nationality.

Generate Report, Class teacher report, Students Bus list, Incomplete Documents, Students Missing documents, Passport and visa expiry Report, Inactive students, Entrance exam Results, Guardian students, Employee students, Terminate enrolled students and Terminate applicant student.

Final Results Report

  • Student return Fees.
  • Students Registration Register.
  • Students Application Forms.

Settings is the most powerful and important module. It allows you to set your own rules and requirements according to your company policy. Our software is customizable to use for any type of business as per their requirement. We have flexible settings for each module separately.

The software has a pre-defined setup for each module as a normal practice of companies which allows the user to start using the program within a short time period. This module has a checklist that gauges the control of users over function. When setup a posting control window, the system will not allow the user to save the task unless he/she follows the procedure set by the admin.

The followings are examples for School module Settings:-

Admin Definition Setup

  • General settings definition.
  • School definition.
  • Programs definition.
  • Grade levels definition.
  • Section definition.
  • Calendar definition.
  • Events definition.

Admin Setup

  • School Programs Setup.
  • Grades star Dates Definition.
  • Assign Section to grade Setup.
  • Grade’s Age Setup.
  • School Document Setup.
  • Subjects Setup.
  • Entrance Exam Setup.
  • Student Relations Setup.
  • Reminder Setup.

Accountant Setup

  • Fees Definition.
  • Grade’s fee setup.
  • Setup Discounts.

Settings isare the most powerful and important module. It allows you to set your own rules and requirements according to your company policy. Our software is customizable for any business as per their requirement. We have flexible settings for each module separately.

The software has a pre-defined setup for each module as a normal practice of companies, allowing the user to start using the program quickly. This module has a checklist that gauges the control of users over function. When setting up a posting control window, the system will not allow the user to save the task unless they follow the procedure set by the admin.

The followings are examples of School module Settings:-

Admin Definition Setup

  • General settings definition.
  • School definition.
  • Programs definition.
  • Grade levels definition.
  • Section definition.
  • Calendar definition.
  • Events definition.

Admin Setup

  • School Programs Setup.
  • Grades star Dates Definition.
  • Assign Section to grade Setup.
  • Grade’s Age Setup.
  • School Document Setup.
  • Subjects Setup.
  • Entrance Exam Setup.
  • Student Relations Setup.
  • Reminder Setup.

Accountant Setup

  • Fees Definition.
  • Grade’s fee setup.
  • Setup Discounts.

School module is link with other modules:-

In HRMS Module:

If employee has kinds in same place where he works, his name will be link with student information to get discount. Also even new applicant can link with employee list.

In Accounting Module:-

Receive payments from student and creating invoice or doing payment to employee all will be created in accounting module. Aside of books and uniform inventory is integrated with accounting module.

In Fixed Assets module:-

The company Fixed Assets like buses and labs will be used for school module.

Integrated with Hinawi Web:

Online registration is advanced module save the time of users by doing online registration by parents. Online allow to add attachments and integrated with desktop. Users in registration department can approve or reject the application from online.

Integrated with QuickBooks Accounting:

All financial entries in school will be affected in accounting module.

The admin user can do internal control by the followings:-

Set Posting controls window located under File Menu >> Company Level of access located under File Menu >> Company. Admin user can allow user to create transaction but not edit. Or to approve but not pay. Or to read reports only….etc.

By default, user can’t change the transactions when it’s approved.

User activity report located under report menu is reading every changes on each transaction with date and time.

Reminder for expiry date are available in reports.

All options above are adding more flexibility to Admin user to build the company policy. The Admin user is the decision maker to build the company needs without any additional charges from Hinawi. The integration modules save a lot of time.

Importing option is helping users to start immediately using Hinawi Software. Users don’t need to wait months or years to run the software.

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